Sex is fact! Accept it

The video exposes the reality of sex education campaign in India- a country which is today being run by politicians and authoritative figures who believe that “consumption of chowmein” is the major reason behind the rise in rape incidents in the nation and that addressing your molester as “bhaiya..” is enough to make your rapist stop right away. What kind of a future can we expect with our education system being re-organized by such brainless people?

Why is even mentioning the term ‘sex’ such a taboo in our nation even today? Sex is a fact! The video clearly shows the awkward environment that the sex educationist tends to create even before taking onto a new topic related to sex education in an Indian classroom. The tutor makes every possible attempt to avoid using words like sex, vagina, penis, sexual intercourse, condom there by doing absolute injustice to the students and the course.

Moreover, any questions raised by a ‘bold’ student are totally avoided by the tutor in order to save him from ‘feeling embarrassed’. Where does this feeling of embarrassment and belief in ‘Indian values’ disappear when the very same tutor ‘pleasures himself’ away to glory to a porn video behind closed doors late at night? Why is it so difficult to accept these basic biological realities? Why does one feel ashamed of imparting sex education?

Imparting and gaining knowledge about sex and sexual diseases does not in any way rob us of our Indian values. Rather, it is the lack of this awareness that forces individuals to compromise on their values and commit atrocious crimes.

Lack of knowledge, curiosity and a desire to experiment are some of the major reasons behind the rise in rape incidents in our nation today. It is not difficult to understand how all of the above reasons are inter-linked.  Lack of knowledge builds up curiosity in a young man’s mind and makes his imagination soar high which many a times becomes dangerous for it gives rise to new unknown and unheard of sexual desires that further force him to find a ‘guinea pig’ on whom he could ‘experiment’ and this becomes the headline the very next day which reads of a heinous crime having been committed by a teenage boy who raped and hit the girl with an iron rod till her intestines were visible!

Sex education might not be the absolute solution to the rapes and molestation happening today but it can definitely be the first step towards reducing it. Awareness about sexual diseases will serve to make the one even thinking about raping a girl understand that by doing so he is not only risking her life but is also raising his own chances of acquiring a sexual disease.

Watch and laugh with this short video presented by East India Company on Sex Education in India and flood the comment box with your voice. Spread this video and let the nation know the futility of imparting sex education through such shallow educationists. Above all, make attempts to begin sex education at home for the home is a child’s first school and the mother a child’s first teacher.


A feminist at heart & a dreamer in every sense. Currently pursuing Masters in English from J.N.U & absorbing every bit of this unbelievably beautiful place.

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