Robert Downey Jr. To Star In ‘Captain America 3’

There may never be an Iron Man 4.
But that doesn’t mean we’ve seen the last of Robert Downey Jr. as this beloved superhero.
While all the fans were speculating about a possible “Iron Man 4,” it turns out Robert Downey Jr. was eyeing a major role in the upcoming “Captain America 3.”

According to Variety, the actor is close to signing on for Captain America 3, which will be released in May 2016 and which will kick off a new phase of movies from Marvel Studios.
According to Variety, the actor will suit up again as Tony Stark/Iron Man in a third “Cap” installment about Marvel’s Civil War series.

In the comics, the story centers on the Superhero Registration Act, which requires all people with superhuman powers to register with the government and act as a superhuman police force.
Already out to the world, Stark will support this program, while Rogers will believe it poses a threat to civil liberties.

A feud will emerge and Stark will play a somewhat villainous role in the film.

Downey will next suit up as Iron Man in next summer’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron and has also signed a contract to be part of The Avengers 3.

The Avengers: Age Of Ultron Teaser:



Avengers Age of Ultron






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