Next Change: Ekkees Topoon Ki Salaami

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Ekkees Topoon Ki Salaami

Initial release: October 2014
Director: Ravindra Gautam
Music composed by: Ram Sampath
Genres: World cinema, Bollywood

Plot: Two sons set out to get their father what he dreamt of all through his life –the ultimate sign of respect. High on thrill and laughter, this film takes the audience through the unbelievable attempt of Shekhar and Subhash Joshi to provide their father an Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami. Purushotam Joshi is a common man who fails to earn his bit of appreciation despite being completely honest during his life-long service as a government employee.Joshi’s sons are however willing to go the extra mile to get their father his only wish. But will they succeed in their endeavour? Ekkees Topoon Ki Salaami is an intelligent, heart-warming comedy that provides some food for thought.

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Today Bollywood

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