International Yoga Day 2017: Suryanamaskar and its benefits; Watch Video Tutorial

New Delhi, June 21: The world is celebrating the 3rd International Yoga Day today, June 21. Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with thousands in Lucknow performed yoga even as it continued to rain on Wednesday morning. Millions of people in different parts of the world celebrated and will celebrate the World Yoga Day. On Yoga Day,, in association with Yoga trainer Aditi Ratti, brings you the last asana – Suryanamaskar or sun salutation.

Suryanamaskar has amazing benefits for not just one part but your whole body. The yoga of paying gratitude to the sun, the Suryanamaskar benefits your hands, legs, heart, liver, intestine, chest, and throat. The Suryanamaskar is the asana for those looking to lose weight as well as keep their body toned. It helps ensure better functioning of the digestive system. The Suryanamaskar helps you stretch your muscles and strengthen them. The Suryanamskar also helps bring down blood sugar levels and also regulates menstrual flow in females. For these and many more benefits, here’s how the Suryanamaskar is done:

Repetition: The Suryanamaskar must be repeated 10 times initially and keep increasing the repetitions as you get comfortable with it. Hold each posture of the sun salutation for a few seconds and feel the stretch in each part of your body. Keep your breathing as has been advised in the video.

Caution: Pregnant women are strictly advised not to practise the Suryanamaskar. Those with any injury or weakness must also avoid this. Those with high blood pressure must not perform the Sun salutation. Also, those with heart ailments must consult physicians before performing the Suryanamaskar.

With the Suryanamskar, our International Yoga Day special series of Yoga asanas ends. Thank you for being with us. You can catch all the other asanas and the complete coverage of International Yoga Day 2017 here.

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