“Rs.100 crore for a movie is too less”,Shah Rukh Khan
100 crore film club has set a new benchmark for Bollyood filmmakers. It has raised industry standards. Bollywood filmmakers go bananas when their movies enter the 100 crore film club. Bollywood’s ‘Badshah Khan’, Shah Rukh Khan thinks the other way around. He believes to make 100 crore for a film is too less. Industry needs to get over it and dream big.
Every Bollywood film must make minimum half of the amount that Hollywood film ‘Avatar’ made, he said. ‘Avatar’ is science fiction film written, directed, co edited and co produced by legendary director ‘James Cameron’. It was released in 2009. It did the business of USD 2,787,965,08.
He said that if you think about Rs. 100 crore it is a limitation itself. It restricts your creativity and films are all about creativity and freedom. “Rs.100 crore is too less. To think of it is a limitation by itself. People who don’t understand films and creativity in films, they put our work in these boxes (of Rs.100 crore clubs), said Shah Rukh Khan.
If we want Indian films to mark it presence and be appreciated at global level, 100 crore is not satisfactory. I would want every film to do roaring business. If we want to establish a footprint globally, Rs.100 crore is too less. I would want each of our films to make as much money as Avatar. At least 50 percent of it,” said king of awards at a press conference.
Shah Rukh Khan’s movies do wonderful business at box office. He is the perfect ingredient of a hit movie. He has his seat secured at 100 crore film club. He is a step ahead of his competitors. We should not limit the horizon of possibilities. He said that “by putting the Rs.100 crore cap, we are limiting our own possibilities”.
‘Ra. One’ entered 100 crore film club by making 170 crores at the box office. It was directed by Anubhav Sinha. It is one of the most expensive science fiction movies of the Bollywood. Kareena Kapoor Khan was the leading lady.

‘Chennai Express’ directed by Rohit Shetty did successful business of 226.70 crore at the box office. ‘Deepika Padukone’ was the leading lady of the film. Its success record was broken by ‘Yash Raj Film’s’ ‘Dhoom 3’.
Shah Rukh Khan prefers creativity over business. He said-“It is a good base to start off business-wise, but I don’t think of business. I am a creative person. I think and I like to believe there is no limitation to creativity.”
Shah Rukh khan will be seen opposite ‘Deepika Padukone’ in his upcoming film ‘Happy New Year’ directed by ‘Farah Khan’. It is produced under the banner of his home production, ‘Red Chilies Entertainment’. It is a multi starrer film revolving around music and dance. Dear Shah Rukh khan, we are so waiting for your film. Its songs are ruling the music channels.