“Rs.100 crore for a movie is too less”,Shah Rukh Khan
100 crore film club has set a new benchmark for Bollyood filmmakers. It has raised industry standards. Bollywood filmmakers go
Read more100 crore film club has set a new benchmark for Bollyood filmmakers. It has raised industry standards. Bollywood filmmakers go
Read moreVeteran poet, script writer and lyricist, Javed Akhtar, made the headlines by raising his voice against lewd lyrics of Bollywood songs.
Read moreJoseph Gordon-Levitt, 33, might be roped in by Oliver Stone to play the lead role for his forthcoming biopic of
Read more“Once upon a time, there was a Bihari boy called Madhav. He fell in love with a girl called Riya.
Read moreBollywood is a synonym to name fame and money. Bollywood industry makes huge profits. Bollywood celebrities earn more money from
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Read moreParineeti Chopra is hot and happening Bollywood actress. She is a libran who landed on earth on October 22, 1988.
Read moreVampire Diaries fame Smothering Ian Somerhalder raises up the heat levels. He is drenched in the fountain of love. He
Read moreFor an actress, Bollywood debut is a dream come true. Bollywood Street is the way to glamour, name and fame.
Read moreRed carpet witnessed the most glamorous event of television fraternity-66th Primetime Emmy Awards. It was all about reorganization and celebration
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