Virat Kohli turns a year older

Virat Kohli, a creative batsman has fast evolved as India’s iconic player since his debut in 2008 against Sri Lanka. He has created score of milestones of achievement and emerged as a winner. Let’stake a look at what sets him apart.

Exceptional Batsmen

Batting is his forte that makes him a captivating player to watch. In such a short span of career he is number three on the “most centuries by an Indian” list, not forgetting the way he beats the rivals makes him charismatic.

A ladies man any day

Now, let’s analyse him on personality quotient. Super stylish contemporary cricketer he is and exhibits his muscles quite impressively. Kohli looks eye-catching under the helmet as well.


Live Wire on the field

Violent, valiant and virile, he is always on his toes to oust the rivals. Isn’t it guys?

Teeming with Team

He is always there for the team and always in the front row of pavilion, cheering his fellow batsmen whenever they get victorious.

Complete package

Apart from the bat or his girlfriends, Kohli has found a new love and that is camera. He is one of the most cherished faces on TV commercials these days.

At the end wishing you a happy and prosperous birthday.

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