Madaari (Hindi: मदारी) is an upcoming Indian social-thriller film directed by Nishikant Kamat, presented by Bharat Shah and produced by Shailesh Singh, Madan Paliwal, Sutapa Sikdar and Shailja Kejriwal and co-produced by Kshitiz Bhardwaj. The film stars Irrfan Khan, Vishesh Bansal, Jimmy Shergill, Tushar Dalvi and Nitesh Pandey and is scheduled for release on 22 July 2016.
- Irrfan Khan as Nirmal Kumar
- Vishesh Bansal as Rohan Goswami
- Jimmy Shergill as Nachiket Verma
- Tushar Dalvi as Prashant Goswami
- Nitesh Pandey as Sanjay Jagtap
- Sadhil Kapoor as Cheeku